Ethereum: Binance – Mandatory parameter ‘type’ was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed

Ethereum API request issue on Binance

As a developer working with Ethereum smart contracts, you rely heavily on APIs when interacting with the Binance exchange. However, it is not uncommon for a request to fail. In this article, we will explore the issue you are facing when using the universal transfer call for Binance’s API.

The problem: The mandatory parameter “type” was not sent

When creating your Ethereum API request, one of the required parameters, “type”, appears to have been omitted or is missing from your query. This oversight may cause your application to fail to process the transaction successfully.

To better understand the situation, let’s examine how Binance handles the universal transfer call and determine what might be causing the issue.

Binance API request structure

The universal transfer call for Binance’s API requires three parameters:

  • Asset: The cryptocurrency to transfer (e.g. Ethereum).
  • Value: The cryptocurrency amount to transfer.
  • Type: The transaction type, which can be one of the following:
  • Send: Transfers funds from your account to another user.
  • Receive: Transfers funds from another user to your wallet.

The problem: The mandatory Type parameter was not sent

Ethereum: Binance - Mandatory parameter 'type' was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed

In your case, the Type parameter seems to be missing or you are sending an empty value for it. This can be due to several reasons, including:

  • Incorrect formatting of the API request.
  • Misunderstanding the Binance API documentation or user guide.
  • Using an outdated or incompatible version of the Binance API client library.

Solution: Add mandatory type parameter

To fix this issue, you need to make sure the type parameter is included in your API request. Here’s what you can do:

Option 1: Specify transaction type manually

You can manually specify the transaction type in the API request:

const params = {

'asset': 'ETH',

'value': 100, // in wei

'type': 'send' // or any other valid value (e.g. 'receive', 'gasLimit')


Option 2: Update your Binance API client library

Make sure you are using the latest version of the Binance API client library. You can check the official Binance documentation for updates.

Additional tips

  • Pay attention to the size and structure of your API request. Make sure all parameters are properly formatted and included.
  • Check that your application is running with sufficient permissions to make API requests.
  • Watch for changes in Binance’s API guidelines or documentation that might affect your API call.


The issue you are having when using the universal transfer call on Binance requires attention to detail when creating your Ethereum API request. By adding a mandatory “type” parameter, you can solve this problem and process transactions successfully. Remember to check that all required parameters are included in your request and watch for changes in Binance’s API guidelines or documentation.

Example Use Case

To demonstrate how to add the “type” parameter, let’s create a simple JavaScript function that sends a transfer:

function sendTransfer() {

const params = {

"asset": "ETH",

"value": 100,

"to": "0x...", // recipient address

"type": "send" // or any other valid value (e.g. "receive")


fetch(' {

method: 'POST',

headers: {

'Content-Type': 'application/json'


body: JSON.stringify(params)


.then(response => response.json())

.then(data => console.log(data))

.catch(error => console.error(error));


By following these steps, you can ensure that your Ethereum API requests are properly formatted and successfully executed on the Binance exchange.

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