Generate account images in Metamast: a step-by-step instructions
Metamask is a popular Ethereum letter pocket with which users can save, send and receive cryptocurrencies. One of his unique functions is the customizable account image for every user. While Metamask provides a standard image, the generation of a custom program tax can be achieved on the client page via JavaScript.
Why generate an account image program -controlled?
There are several reasons why developers may want to create an account image program -controlled:
- Adaptation : User may want to create their own unique profiles with different images.
- Automation : The automation of the generation and update account images can be useful for mass preparations or large-scale applications.
- Safety : Creating a custom image can help prevent phishing attacks by offering users control over your profile image.
Method 1: Use JavaScript to generate an image
Metamask provides a “Metamask” API with which developers can interact with the wallet and its functionality. To generate an account image -controlled, you must:
- Install the “Electron
": If you use electrons, install the "Electron Webview" package to carry out your JavaScript code in a web view.
- Create a new script : Create a new file (e.g.Generate-image.js
) and add the following code:
Const {ipcrenderer} = request (‘electron’);
Const Crypto = demands (‘Crypto’);
// Download the standard account -URL
Const url = ‘
// generate a new picture with web words
Function Generate realization () {
Const canvas = document.Createlement (‘canvas’);
canvas.width = 100;
Canvas.height = 100;
Const CTX = canvas.Getcontext (‘2D’);
// Draw the standard account image on the screen
ctx.drawimage (URL, 0, 0);
// Create a new image with the same dimensions and opacity as the original image
Const Newimage = New Image ();
newimage.src = url;
// Add an event listener to update the screen when the image is loaded
newimage.addeventlistener (‘load’, () => {
Const Width = canvas.width;
Const Hoh = canvas.height;
ctx.drawimage (newimage, 0, 0); = url ($ {newimage.src})
Return [canvas];
// Send the generated image with IPC to Metamast
- Conduct the script in a web worker : Create an HTML file (e.g.
) and add the following code:
Body {
Width: 100%;
Height: 100VH;
Background color: #F0F0F0;
- Take out the HTML file : Open
in a web browser to carry out the script.
Method 2: Use of a library such as EMScripts
Alternatively, you can use libraries such as EMSections to generate an account picture program -controlled on the client page:
- Emscipts Installen : Install the Emscipten package with NPM or yarn.
- Create a new script : Create a new file (e.g. “Generate image.