Initialization of the Ethereum utxo database **
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) uses a unique identifier known as an unpertent transaction exit (UTXO) to monitor incompetent transactions on blockchain. This database is used to manage and check ownership of transactions, ensuring that each exit has exactly one entrance. In this article, we will investigate how the UTXO database is initialized in Ethereum.
generating utxo id -a
When a mini block is mined or a broadcast transaction is broadcast, the EVM generates the ID in the inexperienced exit of the transaction (UTXO). This ID is used to monitor the indisputable transactions created from the original entry of each transaction. The UTXO ID consists of 20 characters in a hexadecimal format.
The UTXO generation process includes several steps:
- Creating a transaction : When a new block is mined or a transaction to verify validity is broadcast, EVM creates a new UTXO.
: EVM copies each utxo on the appropriate entry ID in the dictionary
For a block in blocks:
For a block transaction:
UTXO_ID = Get_utxoinputtransactionide (transaction)
Tx_dict [utxo_id] = no
In this example, we use a function calledGet_utxoinPuttrackticaCTicationid ()To generate UTXO ID. This function is assumed to be implemented elsewhere at the base of the codes.
Initialization of the UTXO database
The UTXO database is initialized by repeating all incompetent transactions and removal from memory:
- UTXO Removal : For each block repeat all transactions:
For a block in blocks:
For a block transaction:
UTXO_ID = Get_utxoinputtransactionide (transaction)
If not tx_dict [utxo_id]:
Remove utxo from memory (eg use Del
statement or garbage collector)
- UTXO Initialization of database : Initialize the UTXO database by creating an empty dictionary:
utxodatabase = {}
For a block in blocks:
For a block transaction:
UTXO_ID = Get_utxoinputtransactionide (transaction)
Tx_dict [utxo_id] = no
Initialize the UTXO database with a list of UTXOS available (eg use Census
Utxodatabase [utxoo_id] .Update ([and for and in range (1000)])
In this example, we initialize the UTXO database by creating an empty dictionary ofutxodatabase`. Then we repeat all tireless transactions and add them to the UTXO database. The list of UTXOS available is initialized with a large number of ID (eg 1000).
Note : This is a simplified example and actual implementation may differ depending on a certain EVM architecture and requirements.
Following these steps, we can ensure that the database of the Ethereum utxo is properly initialized and ready to use in the Ethereum virtual machine.