Inserted reference boards in salt: deep diving anchor language
Solana, a fast and replaced blockchain platform, is gaining popularity due to high performance and low delay operations. One of the main properties that makes it unique is the use of reference boards (NRAS) for reference seeds. In this article, we will examine why reference boards are used in language programs in Solan.
What are the reference boards inserted?
Exposure link boards, also known as inserted indicators or reference tables, allow programmers to store many boards in one plate. This is useful for complex data structures that should be accessible and modified at the same time.
Depending on the salted inserted reference plates, the seeds of reference numbers are used, which are unique identifiers, are attributed to blockchain accounts. Signing seeds are necessary to confirm operations and ensure the integrity of the network. Using a non -anchoring language programs for salting, programmers can store many signed seed sets on one board, facilitate their control and download.
Logic for the reference plates inserted
So why would someone want to use the reference boards for the signing signs? The logic of this choice is based on the way the language programs operate. When the program is formed and performed for salinity, it must perform various tasks such as testing of the correctness of the operation, data storage and downloading information. To effectively achieve these tasks, anchor language provides a variety of hooks and abstractions that allow programmers to work with boards and inserted indicators.
In the case of NRAS signatories, they provide how to store many signed seed sets on one board. This allows programmers to control more efficient signing products as they can reach them and modify the need to renew individual boards. The reference boards also allow more efficient use of memory, as many sets of reference number can be stored on the same plate.
Sample Program: Transfer
To show the use of information boards in salting language programs, let’s look at the model program from official Solana documentation:
Use anchor_lang :: Prelude ::*;
Use anchor_lang :: System_program :: {pass, pass};
Declare_id! (3455LKCS85A4Asenbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsdunqfyryyry82A7ecd3yqfyr ");
PAP Transmission FN (
_info: "software",
_Signer: Signature <'_>,
_Recipipnt: Signature <'_>,
_VALUE: U128
) -> result <() and pr>
Let Mut Rotur = Self :: Get_ACCOUNT ();
// Check that there are any link number seeds to be transferred
If! Account.signer_seeds.is_mpty () {
for seeds & conct.signer_seeds {
// Keep the signatory seeds on the inserted board
Account.signer_seeds.push (NRA :: New (& Seed, 0));
// Pass the grain of the signatory
Transmission_seed (I'm an account Mut, && _, _Rucipipnt, _Vale)
} otherwise {
// Support a case with no signing signs
! ();
In this example of the example, we define the Myaccount structure that protects the signature vector. The “transfer” function is used to transmit signatories’ seeds between bills.
Then we use the reference table inserted (`) that one plate of the same account contains a lot of link sets. “NRAS :: The new (and seed, 0) method creates a new reference board with current seed value and initial arrow 0. This allows us to store many signed seed sets on the same board.
The reference boards are a useful feature in anchoring language programs for storing complex data structures such as “Signatories” seeds.